California Blue Sage 4″ Smudge Stick


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Blue sage is often used similarly to white sage, to cleanse and protect. It is less pungent, and its soothing scent and “cool” nature make it very helpful in rituals for healing and abundance. Since it tends to be relaxing and less overpowering than white sage in small spaces, it is also a good choice for cleansing and preparing meditation spaces.

Blue sage can be used to help with illnesses. Dress a blue or white candle with angelica oil, and carve the ill person’s name into the wax. Set it on your altar, or in a dedicated sacred space. Light the tip of a blue sage wand and waft the smoke over the area. Repeat your desire that the person be healed, or recite a simple chant, like:

Healing herbs, lend your power,
Chase away illness in this hour.
With your strength, relieve all pain,
And make [person’s name] whole again.
Light the candle, and allow it to burn.

Additional information

Weight .185 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 2 in


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