Become a united states forest service citizen steward

If you have watched my 7/7 portal video on YouTube, I did some light research on forest irrigation and this is what I have found.

You can learn how to become a volunteer in your region to help protect our forests through conservation, trail work, visitor centers, campgrounds, become an educator, work on special projects or even participate in special events.

If you have time and would like to consider doing your part feel free to review these opportunities. If you have participated, then please follow up with me and let me know your experience!

A little love back to mother Earth goes a long way and promote good karma. If you don’t live in the United States, you can also do some research in your local area to see how you help. We can all do this together globally. Even if you can not do volunteer work, plant a garden, a tree, or water grass where possible (don’t overwater LOL).

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