Thank you all for taking advantage of the Career Readings. I hope you all enjoyed your personal reads. For those who did not opt in the special. I have decided to keep the service affordable. I know that some of you may be struggling financially and need guidance so instead of having a set price on the reading, I have broken it down into tiers.
1-2 Questions – $11.11 USD
3-4 Questions – $22.22 USD
5-6 Questions – $33.33 USD
I realized that some people only had basic inquiries, while others had too many options and needed more clarity. So depending on your needs, I have broken it down based on the time I take for the amount of questions you may have.
Thank you all again for your continued support of the channel. I truly do appreciate all of you and I love to help each and everyone one of you no matter where you are in the world. It is a blessing to get to know you personally and to be your guide on your journeys.
Love & Light,
Scorpio Moon Intuition