Look Carefully ~ 17th Karmapahttp://justdharma.com/s/abffx Look carefully at your experiences to recognize all the love you have received. Look carefully at your own actions and gestures to find ways to show love. Make room for that in your heart, and painful conflicts will lose their sting. – 17th Karmapa from the book “The Heart Is […]
Daily Practice ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpochehttp://justdharma.com/s/lyhgv Throughout the day, put the teachings into practice. In the evening examine what you have done, said, and thought during the day. Whatever was positive, dedicate the merit to all beings and vow to improve on it the next day. Whatever was negative, confess and promise to repair it. In […]
The decision to follow a spiritual path ~ Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpochehttp://justdharma.com/s/hzxul The decision to follow a spiritual path is the central most important undertaking of a person’s life, one that is usually made when trust in more worldly objectives is betrayed, causing you to resolve to switch to a more trustworthy path. If listening to […]
We are in control ~ Ponlop Rinpochehttp://justdharma.com/s/kzudf It is important to realize that there is nobody else who can wake us up and save us from samsara. There is no such thing in Buddhism. That may be Buddhism’s biggest drawback, and at the same time its greatest advantage. This view shows us that there is […]