Twin Flame relationships have four broad stages, and you should be looking for different signs depending on the stage of the relationship that you are in.
Preparation – This is the time before you encounter your Twin Flame when your soul is developing itself so that it is ready for the intense spiritual journey that will begin when you come together with your Twin Flame in the physical plane.
Meeting – This is the time when you meet your Twin Flame, recognize them as the mirror of your soul, and generally form a relationship quickly and experience a time of intense bliss.
Growing – Twin Flame relationships are almost always extremely challenging and tumultuous and can appear and disappear from our lives frequently and unexpectedly. The mirror that our Twin Flame holds up often shows us difficult things, opening wounds, and exposing fears and false beliefs that we must work through both in partnership with our Twin Flame, and alone when they unexpectedly disappear from our daily lives on the physical plane.
Reunion – Our Twin Flame relationship takes us through an intense period of self-growth that triggers the challenges of the growing stage of the relationship. Once both of the Twin Flame souls have grown sufficiently, we are able to come together again in the same state of bliss as when we first found each other. Except now we have attained that bliss inside ourselves and have learned to maintain this state no matter the outer circumstances.